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  • What Can Be Used To Replace The Thermal Conductive Silicone Sheet
  • What Can Be Used To Replace The Thermal Conductive Silicone Sheet


    thermal pad

    a. In addition to heat dissipation, what is the role of thermally conductive silicone sheet

    Heat dissipation can be said to be one of the most important functions used by thermally conductive silicone sheets in actual use. Its thermal conductivity is sometimes better than certain metals. For example, by installing thermally conductive silicone sheets on the north and south bridge chips of laptop computers Can reduce the temperature of two chips well. But the thermally conductive silicone sheet is not only used for heat dissipation, it still has very good compressibility, for example, some places need to dissipate heat, but also to prevent wear between the two components due to use and vibration, then the thermally conductive silicone sheet The role is reflected. It can reduce the gap between components under proper compression, which makes the installation more secure and reliable.


    b. Are there any alternatives

    If after a long period of use, the thermally conductive silicone sheet may appear dry, cracked, etc., what can be used to replace the thermally conductive silicone sheet? In fact, two alternative solutions can be introduced here. One is to use the thermally conductive silicone ester. The performance of thermal conductivity is similar to that of thermal silica gel, but it is generally semi-solid. For example, the CPU will be coated with thermal silica gel ester, and then install the fan; another one can use metal lead to replace heat dissipation, everyone knows copper The heat dissipation is still very good, but this is only a temporary replacement. In use, it is necessary to apply thermally conductive silicone ester on both sides of the copper sheet, so as to better transfer the heat from the component to the copper sheet. Of course, if the temperature is too high High, it may happen that the heat dissipation is not timely.


    c. What are the consequences of the alternative

    After reading the introduction of the two alternative solutions above, even if I understand what the thermally conductive silicone sheet can be replaced, I believe that it is generally seldom done in practice, especially in the face of relatively expensive electrical appliances and electronic components. . For example, although the notebook computer uses a thermally conductive silicone sheet, it is actually connected to the cooling fan through the air pipe to improve the heat dissipation effect. If it is replaced by other, not only the heat dissipation may not be achieved, but also There will also be gaps and wear between electronic components, so if the original damage is lost, it is best to change to a thermally conductive silicone sheet.


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