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  • How to distinguish high-reliability thermal conductive silicone sheet?
  • How to distinguish high-reliability thermal conductive silicone sheet?


    Thermal management is a field that specializes in solving thermal problems. Thermal interface materials are a well-known subject in the field of thermal management. With economic development and technological progress, people have developed many high-tech products and their own heat dissipation needs to be solved in time. When people do not understand the field of thermal management, they often simply install a heat sink on the power component, which has a very low heat dissipation effect, and then fills the thermal interface material between the heat sink and the power component to reduce the interface thermal resistance and improve the thermal conductivity. .
    Thermally conductive silicone sheet is one of the thermal interface materials. Thermally conductive silicone sheet, also known as thermally conductive silicon film, heat-dissipating silicone sheet, etc., is a kind of silicone resin as the base material, adding heat conduction, temperature resistance, and insulation materials in a certain proportion. The prepared gap-filling thermal conductive material is filled between the heat source and the radiator to act as a thermal conduction medium. Due to its soft characteristics, it can eliminate the air between the interfaces, improve the thermal conductivity efficiency, and reduce the interface thermal resistance.

    Thermal silica film

    The reliability of thermally conductive silicone sheet is very important to people. Many thermally conductive material manufacturers will attract people’s attention with the high-reliability sign. People may say that thermally conductive silicone sheet is not a thermal conductive material, as long as it has a high thermal conductivity. Isn't it good for low oil output?

    Here is a very simple life example to illustrate. A car that buys a fast and low fuel consumption car, but it is very unreliable. He goes to a 4S shop for maintenance four or five times a month. Would he still think it is a A car? The reliability of thermal conductive silicone film is not only responsible for yourself, but also responsible for customers. Thermal conductive silicone film is not a short-term product. According to big data statistics, thermal conductive silicone film generally has a service life of 5-10 years. If it appears frequently during use The problem will not only affect the thermal conductivity, but also affect the reliability of the product.

    How to judge the reliability of thermal conductive silicone film is good? First of all, the main function of the thermal conductive silicone sheet is heat conduction. The thermal conductivity is a parameter to intuitively understand the performance of the thermal conductive silicone sheet, and the thermal conductivity will have some changes during long-term work. This is normal, as long as it does not exceed the error range, it means The reliability of the thermal silica film is qualified.

    Then whether the oil output rate of the thermally conductive silicone film is normal, the oil output of the thermally conductive silicone film is normal, because the finished product of the thermally conductive silicone film will have some free and incompletely mixed small molecules. Small molecules will precipitate out in a pressurized environment. If it is a thermally conductive silicone sheet of unqualified quality, the oil yield will increase, which will affect the reliability of the product.

    Secondly, the compression rate and resilience of the thermally conductive silicone sheet. The thermally conductive silicone sheet is a soft and elastic thermal pad, which is filled between the interfaces, and compresses and rebounds under low pressure. If the thermally conductive silicone sheet has a compression rate and resilience Unqualified, may cause the thermal conductive silicone sheet to fail to return to its original state, thereby affecting its performance.

    Thermally conductive silicone sheet is an effective thermal interface material, which can increase the heat transfer rate between the power dissipation component and the heat sink. The high-reliability thermally conductive silicone sheet not only solves the heat dissipation problem of the product, but also improves the product stability.
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