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  • Application of thermal conductive materials in new energy batteries for automobiles
  • Application of thermal conductive materials in new energy batteries for automobiles


    When electric vehicles are running, they mainly rely on batteries to increase energy, which is converted into power by electric motors, just like the battery-powered vehicles that people usually use. People who have used electrical appliances know one thing: electrical equipment generates heat when it runs. This phenomenon is unavoidable, because heat is generated when the current passes through the resistor. The greater the power consumption, the higher the amount of heat it releases. An electric vehicle is a very high power consumption electrical equipment, so a large amount of thermal resistance will be emitted during operation. , If there is no cooling system, the car may crash or even catch fire due to high temperature.

    When the battery of energy vehicles dissipates heat, the entire heat dissipation system is the top priority. A common practice is to guide the heat from the heat source to the outside by attaching the thermally conductive material to the outside of the battery module to ensure that the new energy vehicle can effectively transfer heat for a long time. , So as to ensure that the internal temperature of the car is in a balanced state and the performance of the car will not be damaged due to high temperature.

    There are many thermally conductive materials on the market, such as thermally conductive silicone sheet, non-silicon thermally conductive pad, thermally conductive phase change sheet, thermally conductive gel, thermally conductive silicone grease, carbon fiber thermally conductive pad, thermally conductive silicone cloth, etc. Each type of thermally conductive material has With its characteristics and areas of expertise, now the field of new energy vehicles has a very good development prospect.
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