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  • Briefly describe what is a thermally conductive material and its function
  • Briefly describe what is a thermally conductive material and its function


    Thermally conductive material is a general term for materials that are coated between the heating device and the heat dissipation device in the equipment and pad, silicon-free thermally conductive pad, and thermally conductive phase change sheets. , thermal insulating sheet, thermal grease, thermal gel, carbon fiber thermal pad, etc., each thermal conductive material has its own characteristics and applicable fields, but why are thermal conductive materials used?

    Electronic equipment is often used in people's life and work. Power-consuming electronic components are the main heat source of electronic equipment. High temperature will affect the operation and service life of the equipment, and the heat generated by electronic components is not easy to dissipate outward. Therefore, a heat sink is used to conduct excess heat to the outside, thereby reducing the temperature of the electronic device.

    Although the electronic components and the heat sink are closely bonded, there are many gaps between the two interfaces microscopically, and there are still many uncontacted areas between the two, so the heat cannot form a good heat flow channel when it is conducted between the two, resulting in the overall The heat dissipation effect will not meet expectations.

    The function of the thermal conductive material is to fill the gap between the cooling device and the heating device in the equipment, remove the air in the gap, reduce the contact thermal resistance between the interfaces, thereby increasing the rate of heat conduction between the two, thereby improving the performance of electronic equipment. Heat dissipation.
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