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  • 5G Brings New Opportunities For Thermally Conductive Materials
  • 5G Brings New Opportunities For Thermally Conductive Materials


    5G drives rapid demand for thermally conductive materials
    According to the prediction of BCC Research, the global market size of interface thermally conductive materials will increase from US $ 760 million in 2015 to US $ 1.1 billion in 2020, with a compound growth rate of over 7%. It is foreseeable that with the rapid development of the downstream market in the 5G era, there will be a huge incremental demand for industries related to thermal conductive materials.

    Take smartphones and base stations as examples. According to Gartner's prediction, as 5G mobile phones will be launched in 2019, 9% of smartphones in the market will support 5G networks by 2021. Therefore, after 2021, the annual sales of 5G mobile phones will exceed 100 million, and the number of base stations will reach 800. This will greatly increase the demand for thermally conductive materials.

    5G boosts performance of thermally conductive materials
    Currently, thermally conductive materials widely used in the industry include thermal graphite sheets, thermal paste, sheet-like thermal gap filler materials (such as thermal pads), liquid thermally conductive gap filler materials (such as thermal gel), and phase-change thermal interface materials.

    In order to solve the thermal management problem in the 5G era, we can increase the thermal conductivity of thermally conductive materials to 12W / m * K and above in terms of the performance of thermally conductive interface materials. In addition to this, various brand manufacturers are also constantly exploring other heat dissipation methods, and adopting a comprehensive application solution of a variety of thermally conductive products, such as graphite sheet + thermal gel / thermal paste, to continuously innovate and enrich thermally conductive products.
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