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  • What is the effect of thermal resistance on thermally conductive gap fillers?
  • What is the effect of thermal resistance on thermally conductive gap fillers?


    However, there is actually a problem. There is a gap between the heat source and the heat dissipation module. Even if the two polished planes cannot be physically connected, there is a large amount of air in the gap between the two, which is a poor conductor of air heat. Therefore, the heat transfer between the gaps will be hindered. The solution to this problem is to fill the gap with a thermally conductive gap filler material to remove the air between the gaps, reduce the contact thermal resistance, and improve heat conduction.

    Thermally conductive gap filler is a kind of special heat dissipation auxiliary material, which is widely used in the heat dissipation requirements of various industries. The thermal conductivity is a parameter to measure the thermal conductivity of the material, and the thermal resistance affects the thermal conductivity of the thermally conductive gap filler, mainly Because the thermal resistance in the thermally conductive gap filler material hinders the rate of heat in the material, just like the scale in the water pipe, the more scale, the slower the water flow in the pipe, so the smaller the thermal resistance, the better the thermal conductivity.

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