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  • Heat dissipation problem of electronic products and application of thermal conductivity materials
  • Heat dissipation problem of electronic products and application of thermal conductivity materials


    Electronic products generally refer to the related products based on electric energy. However, in reality, the energy conversion process is accompanied by loss, and most of the lost energy will dissipate outward in the form of heat. Therefore, heat generation is unavoidable during the use of electronic products, which can only be reduced by optimizing the structural design of heating source. Or install external heat dissipation devices to transfer excess heat to the outside as soon as possible.

    Common heat dissipation devices are some heat dissipation fans, heat sinks, heat pipes, through the heat source of the heat conduction to the heat dissipation device, but there is a gap between the heat dissipation device and the heat source, heat conduction between the two is blocked by the air to reduce the heat conduction rate, so the heat conduction materials will be used.

    Thermal conductivity material is the general term for materials coated in heating device and heat dissipation device and reduce the contact thermal resistance between the two. The thermal conductivity material coated in heating source and radiator can well fill the gap in the interface, exclude the air in the gap, thus reducing the contact thermal resistance between the heating source and the radiator, so that the heat can be quickly conducted to the radiator through the thermal conductivity material. Improve the heat dissipation of electronic products, so as to ensure the normal use of electronic products.
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